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Physiologie de la naissance

What is Oxytocin responsible for?
What is Progesterone responsible for?
What is prolactin responsible for ?
Women who have a C Section will not develop stress incontinence after birth of baby?
Five signs are assessed during an Apgar Scale. Which of the following is NOT one of those signs?
What would you advise a parent: Their baby is 4 days old appears lethargic. How many wet nappies should the baby have as a min per 24 hour period?
What would you advise parents: Their 3 day old baby has not fed at all in the past 8 hours. Which of these poses the greatest risk?
What is the EVIDENCE BASED treatment for physiological jaundice?

Physiologie de la naissance

"Si vous ne croyez pas aux miracles, 

alors vous avez peut-être oublié que vous en êtes un !"

Conservation du lait maternel

School of Antenatal Ltd
Reg: 14260658
Directors: Dawn Rosevear - Matthew Pearce
Registered Address: Suit 1 -7 Pollox Gate FY8 1BG


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