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Birth Options

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Home Birth

Mothers can choose to give birth at home. This is usually only recommended if mother has had a straightforward pregnancy, and both mother and baby are well.

Giving birth is generally safe wherever you choose to have your baby.

But if you’re having your first baby, home birth slightly increases the risk of serious problems for the baby – including death or issues that might affect the baby's quality of life – from 5 in 1,000 for a hospital birth to 9 in 1,000 for a home birth.


If a Mother gives birth at home, they’ll be supported by a midwife while in labour.


If help is needed for labour or is not progressing as well as it should, the midwife will make arrangements for you to go to hospital.


Advantages of home birth


The advantages of giving birth at home include:

  • Being in familiar surroundings, where you may feel more relaxed and better able to cope

  • Not having to interrupt your labour to go into hospital

  • Not needing to leave your other children

  • Not having to be separated from your partner after the birth

  • Increased likelihood of being looked after by a midwife you have got to know during your pregnancy

  • If your pregnancy is low risk, a lower likelihood of having an intervention, such as forceps or ventouse (vacuum delivery), than giving birth in hospital



There are some things that should be thought about if a home birth is being considered.

  • You may need to transfer to a hospital if there are complications.

  • Epidurals are not available at home, but you can use gas and air, a warm bath, a birth pool, TENS and any relaxation techniques you've learned. Find out about pain relief in labour.

  • Your doctor or midwife may recommend you give birth in hospital – for example, if you're expecting twins or if your baby is lying feet first (breech). Your midwife or doctor will explain why they think a hospital birth is safer for you and your baby.


Planning a home birth

Ask your midwife whether a home birth is suitable

If  the Mother chooses to have a home birth, your midwife will arrange for members of the midwifery team to help and support you.

Here are some questions that need to be asked

  • How long would it take if I needed to be transferred to hospital?

  • Which hospital would I be transferred to?

  • Would a midwife be with me all the time?

  • How do I get a birthing pool?


It’s a good idea to get emergency telephone numbers – have them on hand.

Hospital Birth

Most births happen in an NHS hospital maternity unit. If a mother chooses to give birth in hospital, they’ll be looked after by midwives, but doctors will be available if  needed.


Advantages of hospital birth

The advantages of giving birth in hospital include:

  • Direct access to obstetricians if labour becomes complicated

  • Direct access to anaesthetists, who give epidurals

  • There will be specialists in newborn care (neonatologists) and a special care baby unit if there are any problems with baby



There are some things you should think about if considering a hospital birth:

  • The Mother may go home directly from the labour ward or you may be moved to a postnatal ward

  • In hospital, a Mother may be looked after by a different midwife from the one who looked after you during your pregnancy

  • A Mother is more likely to have an epidural, episiotomy, or a forceps or ventouse delivery in hospital


Planning a hospital birth

A Midwife can help the Mother decide which hospital feels right for you. If there's more than one hospital in your area, you can choose which one to go to.

Find out more about the care provided in each so you can decide which will suit you best.

Birth questions to ask

Here are some questions we encourage the Mother to ask

  • Are tours of the maternity facilities available before the birth?

  • When can I discuss my birth plan?

  • Are TENS machines available for pain relief or do I need to hire one?

  • What equipment is available – for example mats, a birthing chair or

  • bean bags?

  • Are there birthing pools?

  • Are partners, close relatives or friends welcome in the delivery room?

  • Are they ever asked to leave the room – if so, why?

  • Can I move around in labour and find my own position for the birth?

  • What is the policy on inductionpain relief and routine monitoring?

  • What types of pain relief are available, such as epidurals?

  • How soon can I go home after the birth?

  • What services are provided for premature or sick babies?

  • Who will help me if I breastfeed?

  • Who will help me if I choose to formula feed?

  • Will my baby be with me all the time or is there a separate nursery?

  • Are there any special rules about visiting?

  • How long would it take if I needed to be transferred to hospital from a birth centre?

  • Which hospital would I be transferred to?

  • Would a midwife be with me all the time?


Wherever a Mother decides to give birth, its important that they know they can change their mind at any stage of pregnancy.

"If you don't believe in miracles, 
then you may have forgotten you are one!"


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Assignment: Puberty

What pain relief options are not available if having a home birth


What are some of the reasons why some mothers might be declined a home birth

What are the advantages of giving birth at home? 

What are the benefits of giving birth in a hospital

Choices are a hard discussion for young ones, who have probably never had to make any major decisions in their lives. What activity would you do to help inform and encourage and empower them to make the best decisions. 

Do you have any questions for your tutor? 

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